Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Movie Post 3

Attack on Titan is a Japanese anime series. The plot of the first episode follows a young boy named Eren who wants to join the Scouts and two of his close friends. The Scouts go behind the wall to fight the Titans. Titans are giants who look like normal humans, but a bit more deformed looking. The series takes place in a made-up world that is based roughly on Japan. The show starts in a peaceful small village named Shiganshina. No one has seen or been attacked by the Titans in many years. However, suddenly the titans reappear and this time these Titans have new powers. They are able to move more quickly, learn from situations, and work together. In the town of Shiganshina, they are unprepared for the attack because there hasn’t been one in Shiganshina in years and as a result, they have many casualties. The people are completely unprepared for the attack. Eren is effected immensely by the attack on this village and loses someone who is close to him. Losing someone from the attack empowers him to find a way to fight these new Titans. The rest of the series follows Eren and his friends as they take on this new world they are thrown in, which is full of many twists and turns.

Anime is melodramatic from the facial expressions to the plotline. According to Brooks from Melodramatic Intro, Eric Bentley would say, “Melodrama at the heart represents the theatrical impulse itself: the impulse toward dramatization, heightening, expression, acting out.” Attack on Titan melodrama is best described by Bentley’s definition. Everything is heightened to add to the plotline. In one of the scenes from the show, Eren is distraught and goes through a few emotions like anger and sadness. When he is angry it is clear as to how he is feeling because his face becomes bright red. In addition, the space around him becomes darker, a shadow is cast over his face. When Eren expresses sadness melancholy music begins to play loudly and the tear falling down his face is prominent so that you cannot miss it.

Image result for attack on titan

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